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ISO/IEC 17011:2017 Main changes and IAF MD20:2016 Accreditation Assessor Competence
Course Introduction
Introduction on E-learning (0:49)
Before you start, what to prepare (1:40)
Who is this training for ?
ISO/IEC 17011"2017 - the new version background
Some History (4:13)
Interview with Mr Anil Jauhri (8:40)
The transition to the new version (4:35)
Summary table of changes in the new 17011
Interview with Mr NED Gravel (9:24)
Chapters 1 and 2 : Introduction, scope and normative references
Introduction, scope and normative references (2:18)
Chapter 3 - Terms and definitions
the New Definitions included in the 2017 version (3:33)
Chapter 4 - General requirements
New requirements in 4.2 - Accreditation Agreement and 4.5 - Financing and liability (4:49)
Exercises on Impartiality
New requirements in 4.4- Impartiality requirements (5:20)
New requirements in 4.6 - Establishing accreditation schemes (4:25)
Interview with Mr Reinaldo (7:41)
Chapter 5 - Structural requirements
New requirements in 5.6 and 5.7 in Structural requirements (1:26)
Chapter 6 - Resource requirements
New requirements in 6.1 - Competence of Personnel (2:38)
Interview with Mr Anil (7:04)
New requirements in 6.4 - Outsourcing
Chapter 7 - Process requirements
7.2 - Application for accreditation, 7.3 - Resource review and 7.4 Preparation for assessment (3:43)
7.6 - Assessment
7.7 - Accreditation decision making and 7.8 - Accreditation information (2:09)
7.9 - Accreditation Cycle, 7.10 - Extending accreditation and 7.11 - Suspending, withdrawing or reducing accreditation (3:46)
7.12 - Complaints , 7.13 - Appeals and 7.14 - Records (1:53)
Interview with Mr Reinaldo (9:06)
Chapter 8 - Information requirements
New requirements in 8.1 - Confidential information and 8.2 - Publicly available information (1:17)
Chapter 9 - Management system requirements
New requirements in 9.1- General and 9.8 - Management Review (1:40)
Annex A - Required knowledge and skills for functions in the accreditation process
Overview of the Table of knowledge and skills
IAF MD20 - Generic Competence for AB Assessors: Application to ISO/IEC 17011
MD20 requirements and how to apply (1:27)
Interview with Mr Vijay (20:27)
MD 20 Exercise
Final advice from the Trainers Anil, Reinaldo and Vijay
Interview with the Trainers Anil, Reinaldo and Vijay (6:45)
your feed back
Goodbye Message (0:30)
What to do after this training? (1:28)
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